Idopter Labs' Stack - Main technologies we adopt in our projects

Idopter Labs' Stack - Main technologies we adopt in our projects

Idopter Labs works with a set of technologies that allow our teams to be extremely efficient in the development process. Today, the main challenges we work on with our clients are web and mobile devices (cell phones, tablets, among other devices). For this, the two main technologies adopted are Elixir and React Native. This post is a brief presentation of these two technologies and some of the reasons why we adopted them.

Idopter Labs' Stack - Main technologies we adopt in our projects
Paulo Igor
January 12, 2024

Tips for getting a job in technology

Tips for getting a job in technology

This article is a summary of the conversation I had with my friend Zeca in episode number 15 of Espresso Tech. In this episode, we gave 5 tips for those who want to look for a job in technology 👊🏻 These tips were selected based on our experience working in technology for over 15 years - both as an employee looking for new opportunities and new projects, and as an employer evaluating candidates and hiring new members to our team at Idopter Labs.

Tips for getting a job in technology
Carlos Souza
January 12, 2024

Fixing the most annoying RN bug I know

Fixing the most annoying RN bug I know

This unwanted and extremely annoying behavior happens in almost 100% of the React Native apps I encounter. It used to happen in all of the ones I created myself, but I was bitten by this bug enough times that I decided to adopt a particular default approach for using a widely popular element in React Native: ScrollView.

Fixing the most annoying RN bug I know
Carlos Souza
January 12, 2024

The Ultimate Software Project Workflow

The Ultimate Software Project Workflow

Having worked on a multitude of software projects in the past 10 years, our team has adopted a workflow which we believe allows us to achieve peak efficiency. By following this workflow we are able to continuously deliver value to our clients, starting on the very first week of work.The workflow is simple. It's composed of two phases: Inception and Development.This is the first of a series of posts where I will describe these two phases, along with a few important practices we use on each of them.In this post, I will describe the first phase, Inception. Albeit being the less technical of the two phases, we strongly believe this is the most productive way to gather requirements and, most importantly, collectively build a vision for the project.

The Ultimate Software Project Workflow
Carlos Souza
January 12, 2024

React Native - Communication with native modules (iOS)

React Native - Communication with native modules (iOS)

Today's post starts with a question, why create native modules using react native? If you work with mobile development, at some point you will bump into some lib, some sdk that only has versions for Android or iOS and you have the app already in progress with React Native. Given this scenario, the need to understand, study and learn to create communication using React Native arises, this is possible and with this we are able to extrapolate the common and start developing more powerful applications or even contribute by creating a package that did not exist to abstract the native SDK / Lib. To create the native modules we have two options, create a NPM/Yarn package or create the native module inside our app project.

React Native - Communication with native modules (iOS)
Iago Cavalcante
January 12, 2024

Working with environment variables in AppCenter

Working with environment variables in AppCenter

The mobile stack we use in our projects at Idopter Labs counts with a few preferred practices, preferences and services that work well with React Native.

Working with environment variables in AppCenter
Carlos Souza
January 12, 2024