In this post we will build dynamic selects with Phoenix and LiveView. The example application is a simple guitar listing page.
A mix task is an Elixir script that runs through mix and is typically used for corrective tasks. In this article, we will write a task to populate a newly created column in a database table. However, such an approach is anti-pattern and should be avoided. Migrations should only be used for database structure changes, not for data manipulation.
About to turn 15 years old 🎂, Heroku is still my preferred choice for publishing applications to the cloud quickly. In this article, we will learn how to publish an Elixir/Phoenix application to your infrastructure using buildpacks.First of all, you need to understand some essential Heroku terms
In this article we will develop a two-step login screen with Phoenix LiveView. We will also talk about the extra usability features we have when using LiveView, as well as its limitations.Although LiveView provides dynamism and better usability for the user - considering they don't have to reload the page to get updated data - it doesn't have exactly the same capabilities as Plug.Conn. The main limitation of Plug.LiveView.Socket that affected us was the inability to "write" to the user session.
In this article we will talk about Phoenix LiveView. Together we will build a very simple web application similar to Twitter. Visitors will be able to post text messages that will be displayed on a single page. Everyone connected to the application will see the new messages published in real-time!